The First International Conference

"Egypt and Mediterranean Countries Through Ages"

15-18 October 2014

       The International Conference "Egypt and Mediterranean Countries Through Ages" (EMCTA) is organized for the First time by the Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University, Egypt. The Conference provides a forum for the exchange of scientific information and work on Egypt and Mediterranean Countries amongst professionals, researchers, archaeologists, conservators in Egypt, Mediterranean Countries and other countries in the world that have mutual civilization influences with Egypt and Mediterranean Countries.
     The rising awareness in archaeology and conservation sciences at the present time has resulted in the evolution of information that may possibly cancel some of the old "fixed theories of past decades". Based on new theories, we aim to set new safer methods for the conservation of archaeological materials, buildings and sites. The topics of the conference will hopefully reveal and give new information concerning archaeological and conservation sciences.
       Unfortunately many of the policies adopted in the past were aimed at short term solutions for archaeology and conservation without regard to the long term solutions. It is necessary to bear in mind that the preservation of archaeological materials, buildings and sites, has become the responsibility of communities in countries around the world. Cooperation of researchers, scientists, professionals, archaeologists and conservators from Institutes, Universities, libraries, museums companies, etc... from Egypt, Mediterranean Countries, and other countries during this conference aims to provide solutions and give new information about archaeology and conservation sciences.

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